Prepare Yourself for a Dental Appointment

So you have a dentist appointment booked and you are getting ready to go. Here are some things that you need to know to make your visit comfortable for you and your dentist.
Anesthesia It is sometimes necessarily to numb part of your
tongue and cheek.
Do not plan to give speeches or answer phones in your office after your dentist appointment – the best outcome is that you simply won’t be able to do it, in the worst case scenario you will end up with badly bitten cheek.
And obviously you will have to forget about meals until the numbness goes away. So it is recommended to have a proper meal before going to the dentist plus it will prevent dizziness during an anesthetic injection.
Refrain from meals with garlic, fish and onion.
Also, we hope you won’t forget about basic hygiene: brush your teeth and use dental floss before coming to you appointment.
Alcohol It is not recommended to consume alcohol the day before your visit. If you have a party planned, you need to consider that alcohol can stay in your blood for up to 94 hours. During this time the effectiveness of anaesthetic decreases.
During the appointment If it is your first appointment in the clinic you will be asked to fill up a questionnaire. Your answers will help the dentist to better understand your needs and to choose the right treatment.
Before the procedure you can agree with the dentist on a “stop” sign, like rising a hand if you need a break. This way you will feel more confident and in control of the situation. For the same reasons you can ask your dentist to tell you what she/he is doing and comment on the process. What you should never do is grab dentist’s hands. Hold on to the chair if you need to. At the end of your appointment you can ask your dentist any questions that may have risen before, such as: Which tooth paste to use? What to do and what to eat to keep your teeth healthy? These are good questions to ask at the end of your appointment, because by then your dentist should know the conditions of your teeth and gums and can not only recommend how hard or soft your toothbrush should be, what to look for while selecting toothpaste and what thickness dental floss you should use, but also to advise you on your diet.
Your dentist is the only person who can answer those questions for you. Do not miss this opportunity. Each person is unique and standard rules may not work for everyone – hygiene products and recommendations are different for every person.
Relax and enjoy your visit. You doing the right thing!